• Languages :
  • indonesian
  • english

Selamat dan Sukses Kepada Mahasiswi S1 Fisioterapi Berhasil Meraih Juara 3 Lomba Nasional Cardioneo Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Anak Disabilitas

  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 104

FIKES UPNVJ - National Cardioneo Competition for Physiotherapy Management in Children with Disabilities is a competency in the academic and non-academic fields intended for students of the physiotherapy study program organized by the ITKes Wiyata Husada Samarinda Physiotherapy Student Association. The National Cardioneo Competition for Physiotherapy Management for Children with Disabilities is an event where students are required to be able to think critically in remembering and mastering the material and practices that students have acquired. The Quiz Competition consists of three rounds, where the questions presented by the organizing committee in the first round are multiple choice, where participants are asked to access the Quizziz page to fill in, and the total scores in one team will be accumulated. In the second round, each student was asked to enter the break out room in turn to answer multiple choice questions containing questions about anatomy and pathology of disabilities in children orally for 15 minutes. In the final round, each team was asked to enter the break out room in turn to answer questions containing cases of disabilities in children and were asked to explain the patholophysiology and procedures for physiotherapy management of disabilities in children. This Quiz Competition was held via Zoom Online Meeting on Saturday, December 16 2023 and lasted for 9 hours.


The competition begins with the opening of the event, reading of the jury's CV, reading of the rules for round 1, implementation of round 1, reading of the rules for round 2, implementation of round 2, pause for accumulation of scores for round 1 & round 2, announcement of accumulated scores & teams that have qualified for the final round. , reading of the rules for the final round, implementation of the final round, break for determining the winner by the jury, announcement of the winner, and closing. This competition was attended by 9 groups from several universities with physiotherapy study programs, both diploma three, diploma four and bachelor's degree. On this occasion, the National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta sent 2 teams from S1 Physiotherapy with 3 personnel each. The UPNVJ A team consists of Amazing Grace Ayomihadi, Ghyffara Agathy Putri, and Jelita Putri Nabila. Meanwhile, the UPNVJ B team consists of Kurnia Fe Aulia, Natasya Caroline, and Patricia Desta Anjani. In this quiz competition, the UPNVJ A & B teams managed to qualify for the final round and the UPNVJ A team won 3rd place.
