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History (Bachelor's Degree of Public Health)

  • Terakhir diperbaharui : Kamis, 12 September 2024


Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (UPN) ”Veteran” Jakarta was found in 1963, by the Veterans of Independence Warriors of the Republic of Indonesia, to educate the life of the nation, so as to avoid all types of colonialism. It was anticipated by the founders that the best way to change human behavior, attitude, and thinking ability is only through education.

UPN "Veteran" Jakarta as an educational institution that has been recognized by the community, located on Fatmawati Hospital Street, Pondok Labu, South Jakarta, was a university managed by the Defense and Security Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia. Subsequently, it changed its status to become a Private University in 1995 under the auspices of the General Sudirman Foundation (YKPBS) which later in 2007 was changed to the Warrior Housing Welfare Foundation (YKKP). The status of UPN Veteran Jakarta changed to a public university in 2014, according to Presidential Regulation No. 120 of 2014 concerning the Establishment of UPN Veteran Jakarta.

The Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES) as one of the faculties in the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, was officially established on 5 October 2007 based on the Chairperson of Education and Housing Welfare Foundation Decree Number: SKep/020/P/YKPP/X/2007.Currently FIKES UPN Veteran Jakarta has eight study programs, namely Bachelor of Nursing, Nursing Profession, Bachelor of Public Health, Bachelor of Nutrition Science, Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Master of Public Health, Diploma III in Nursing, and Diploma III in Physiotherapy.

Before being merged into the Faculty of Health Science, each study program me was independently established such as the Nursing Diploma III which was originally UPN Nursing Academy established in February 1996. While the Physiotherapy Diploma III initially was YERM Physiotherapy Academy under the Foundation of Medical Rehabilitation Institute which was subsequently handed to UPNVJ under Jenderal Sudirman Foundation on 2 September 1998.

The Nursing Program and Public Health Program were established on 22 October 2002 which were initially organized under UPNVJ Medical Faculty as part of the Faculty of Medicine. Having developed rapidly, especially on the number of students as well as Public Health Program, the Nursing Program was released from the Faculty of Medicine which were subsequently merged into the Faculty of Health Science on 5 October 2007. Thence, the Nursing Program was officially established in September 2010 as part of the Faculty of Health Science.


The status change of UPN “Veteran” Jakarta (UPNVJ) into a state university in 2014, this is in accordance with Presidential Regulation No.120 of 2014 concerning the Establishment of the National Development University “Veteran” Jakarta. Therefore, changes were made to the vision and mission at the university level with the identity of defending the country. These changes affect the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the S1 Public Health Study Program.
In 2016, the study program reviewed its vision, mission, goals and objectives. The review was conducted to follow up on changes in vision, mission, goals and objectives at the university and faculty levels. The mechanism for preparing the vision, mission, and goals of the Study Program is in accordance with IK for the Preparation of Vision and Mission, No. UPNVJ/ IK/ FAS: UPNVJ/ IK/ FIKES/40-02/14 as for the following stages:
Formation of the Formulation Team involves the entire academic community and stakeholders, including: Internal parties, namely: Faculty leaders, namely the Dean, Vice Dean 1, 2 and 3, Head of the S1 Public Health Study Program, Lecturers, Education Personnel, and Students. External Parties, namely: Representatives of the University of Indonesia, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, PT Askes, Depok City Health Office, AIPTKMI (Association of Indonesian Public Health College Institutions), IAKMI (Association of Indonesian Public Health Experts, and Alumni of the Public Health Study Program. The Formation and Function Duties of the Formulation Team were authorized by the Rector's Decree number: Kep/ /UN61/2017.
The preparation of changes to the vision, mission, goals and objectives, The preparation of changes to the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of the S1 Public Health study program was carried out through 2 meetings, namely on September 13, 2017 with the Internal Formulation Team, namely the Dean, Deputy Dean, Head of Study Program, and Public Health Lecturer, with the results of the need to make changes to the vision and mission ... adjusted to the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the University, Furthermore, the team formulated the vision and mission of the new S1 Public Health study program with input from external parties at a meeting on October 4, 2017 with the results of the meeting basically agreeing with changes to the vision, mission, goals, and objectives with the concept of state defense adapted to the University. The results of the preparation of these changes were recorded in the meeting minutes and minutes, the minutes of the preparation of changes to the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of the S1 Public Health study program after completion along with the attendance of the meeting were signed by the Team Leader and then validated by the validation team consisting of representatives from the University LP3M and the Faculty Quality Assurance Implementation Team. All files that have been signed and validated are submitted to the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, then
Finalization of changes to the vision, mission, goals and objectives through the Faculty of Health Sciences senate meeting for ratification by the Faculty of Health Sciences senate on October 24, 2017, next,

Formulation of the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the study program authorized through the Chancellor's Decree.