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Graduate Competencies (Profession Nurses)

  • Terakhir diperbaharui : Kamis, 12 September 2024




    1. be devoted to God Almighty and able to demonstrate a religious attitude;
    2. uphold human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals, and ethics;
    3. internalize academic values, norms, and ethics;
    4. play a role as a citizen who is proud and loves the country, has nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the state and nation;
    5. respect the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as the original opinions or findings of others;
    6. contribute to improving the quality of life in society, nation, state, and the advancement of civilization based on Pancasila;
    7. cooperate and have social sensitivity and concern for society and the environment; be law-abiding and disciplined in social and state life;
    8. internalize the spirit of independence, struggle, and entrepreneurship;
    9. demonstrate an attitude of responsibility for work in their field of expertise independently.
    10. Able to be accountable for professional practice includes the ability to accept responsibility for professional decisions and actions in accordance with the scope of practice under their responsibility, and laws/regulations;
    11. able to carry out nursing practice with ethical and culturally sensitive principles in accordance with the Indonesian Nurse Code of Ethics;
    12. Respect the right to privacy, cultural values and dignity of clients, respect the right of clients to choose and determine their own nursing and health care provided, and be responsible for the confidentiality and security of written, verbal and electronic information obtained in the capacity in accordance with the scope of their responsibilities.


    1. mastering the philosophy, paradigm, nursing theory, especially conceptual models and middle range theories;
    2. master the theoretical concepts of biomedical science;
    3. mastering human values;
    4. mastering the techniques, principles and procedures for implementing nursing care/practice carried out independently or in groups, in the scientific fields of basic nursing, medical-surgical nursing, pediatric nursing, maternity nursing, mental nursing, family nursing, gerontic nursing, and community nursing, as well as disaster nursing;
    5. master the concepts and techniques of diagnosing nursing care;
    6. master the theoretical concepts of therapeutic communication; 
    7. mastering the concepts, principles, and techniques of health counseling as part of efforts to prevent disease transmission at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels;
    8. mastering the principles and procedures of advanced life support and trauma treatment (basic trauma cardiac life support/BTCLS) in emergencies and disasters;
    9. master the concepts and principles of nursing management in general and in the management of nursing care to clients in various health service settings;
    10. master factual knowledge about nursing and health care information systems
    11. master the principles of OHS, rights and protection of nurses, patient safety and patient-centered or patient-focused care
    12. master scientific research methods.


    1. able to provide complete and continuous nursing care that ensures client safety (patient safety) according to nursing care standards and based on nursing plans that have or have not been available;
    2. able to provide nursing care in a specialty area (medical-surgical nursing, pediatric nursing, maternity nursing, psychiatric nursing, or community nursing (including family nursing and gerontic nursing) in accordance with the delegation of a nurse specialist;
    3. able to carry out basic trauma and cardiac life support (BCLS) procedures in emergency/disaster situations according to standards and authority;
    4. Able to administer oral, topical, nasal, parenteral, and suppository drugs according to drug administration standards and delegated authority;
    5. Able to establish nursing diagnoses with limited depth and breadth based on data analysis, information, and study results from various sources to determine nursing care priorities;
    6. Able to develop and implement nursing care plans in accordance with nursing care standards and the nurse's code of ethics, which are culturally sensitive, respect the ethnic, religious and other factors of individual clients, families and communities;
    7. Able to perform nursing care actions for unexpected changes in client conditions quickly and appropriately and report conditions and care actions to the person in charge of care;
    8. Able to regularly evaluate and revise nursing care plans with/or without other health teams;
    9. Able to conduct therapeutic communication with clients and provide accurate information to clients and / or families / companions / advisors to obtain nursing consent which is their responsibility;
    10. Able to conduct regular case studies by means of reflection, critical review, and evaluation and peer review of their nursing practice;
    11. able to carry out disaster management according to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP);
    12. able to make efforts to prevent violations in nursing care practice;
    13. able to manage the nursing service system in one ward unit within the scope of their responsibility;
    14. Able to conduct research in the field of nursing to produce strategic development measures for the organization;
    15. Able to plan, implement and evaluate health promotion programs, in collaboration with fellow nurses, other professionals and community groups to reduce morbidity, improve lifestyles and a healthy environment.


    1. work in the field of core expertise for a specific type of work, and have work competencies that are at least equivalent to the work competency standards of the profession;
    2. make independent decisions in carrying out their professional work based on logical, critical, systematic and creative thinking;
    3. compile reports or working papers or produce design work in their field of expertise based on design rules and standard procedures, as well as their professional code of ethics, which can be accessed by the academic community;
    4. communicate thoughts/arguments or innovative works that are beneficial for professional development, and entrepreneurship, which can be scientifically accounted for and professional ethics, to the public, especially the professional community;
    5. improve their professional expertise in specialized fields through training and work experience;
    6. be responsible for his/her professional work in accordance with his/her professional code of ethics;
      critically evaluate the results of work and decisions made in carrying out their work by themselves and by peers;
    7. lead a work team to solve problems in their professional field;
    8. cooperate with other professions in solving work problems in their field of profession;
    9. develop and maintain a network with the professional community and its clients;
    10. documenting, storing, auditing, securing, and retrieving data and information for the purposes of developing professional work;
    11. increase learning capacity independently.