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Pembelajaran Moudl PPKS Untuk Mahasiswa Angkatan Tahun Akademik 2023-2024

FIKES UPNVJ - Berdasarkan Nomor Surat 70 / UN61/PPKS.01/2024 tentangPembelajaran Moudl PPKS Untuk Mahasiswa Angkatan Tahun Akademik 2023-2024


Pelaksanaan Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Tahun 2024

FIKES UPNVJ -  Berdasarkan Nomor Surat : Peng/11/UN61.3/KP/2024 tentang Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa 


Informasi Beasiswa Ajinomoto untuk program Master (S2) ke Jepang Tahun 2025

FIKES UPNVJ - Informasi Beasiswa Ajinomoto untuk program Master (S2) ke Jepang Tahun 2025 surat terlampir dibawah ini


Waktu Pelaksanaan Wisuda ke 72 UPN "Veteran" Jakarta

FIKES UPNVJ - Based on Number: 6967/UN61.6/HM.00.08/2023 concerning the Time for the 72nd Graduation Ceremony of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Letter attached below


Single Tuition Fee Adjustment for 50% UKT Reduction Category and UKT Exemption for Even Semester Academic Year 2023/2024 UPNVJ

​FIKES UPNVJ - Based on Chancellor's Regulation number 3 of 2023 dated 13 January 2023 concerning Single Tuition Adjustments at the National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta, it was announced to



Hallo Keluarga Mahasiswa FIKES UPNVJ! 👋🏻 Dihimbau kepada kema fakultas ilmu kesehatan UPNVJ untuk dapat membuat proposal program kreativitas mahasiswa (PKM) 📅 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐬 𝐀𝐤𝐡𝐢𝐫 𝐏𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐧  31 Desember 2023 LINK PEDOMAN UMUM https://bit.ly/PedomanUmumPekanKreativitasMahasiswa LINK


Pengisian EDOM, Survey Student Workload dan Input Nilai UAS Semester Ganjil TA. 2023-2024

FIKES UPNVJ - Berdasarkan Nomor : 386/UN61.6/AL.02.01/AKPK/2023 tentang Pengisian EDOM, Survey Student Workload dan Input Nilai UAS Semester Ganjil TA. 2023-2024


Completing the Student Workload Survey in the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Environment

FIKES UPNVJ - Hello UPNVJ Students in accordance with SE Number: SE/100/UN61/HM.00.08/2023 concerning Completing the Student Workload Survey in the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Environment. Come on, fill in according to


Introduction and Orientation of the UPNVJ Library for New UPNVJ Students in 2023

FIKES UPNVJ - Based on Letter Number: 098/UN61/2023/Perpus concerning Introduction and Orientation of the UPNVJ Library for New UPNVJ Students in 2023   Implementation: Place: Online via Zoom Meeting Schedule: FIKES &


Pengambilan Foto Profesi Wisuda ke - 71

FIKES UPNVJ - Berdasarkan Pengumuman Nomor : Peng/143/UN61.6/HM.00.08/2023 tentang Pengambilan Foto Profesi Wisuda ke - 71 UPN "Veteran" Jakarta


Workshop How To Be a Project Officer

FIKES UPNVJ - 📢 Halo semuanya! 📢 Kami dari SEMA Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan UPN “Veteran” Jakarta 2023 akan menyelenggarakan Workshop “How To Be A Project Officer”. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan


Announcement of Competency Test Results (UKOM) for Students of the 2023 Diploma Three Year Nursing Study Program

FIKES UPNVJ -  Program Studi Keperawatan Program Diploma Tiga Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jakarta yang mendapatkan 98,6% dalam Ujian Kompetensi.Bersama ini adalah Salinan dan Lampiran Surat Keputusan Komite Nasional Uji Kompetensi Mahasiswa


Announcement of Competency Test Results (UKOM) for Students of the 2023 Professional Program Nurse Education Study Program

FIKES UPNVJ - Nursing Professional Education Study Program Professional Program at the National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta which got 98.7% in the Competency Examination. Herewith is a Copy and Attachment


Announcement of Competency Test Results (UKOM) for 2023 Three-year Diploma Program Physiotherapy Study Program Students

FIKES UPNVJ - Congratulations to DIII FIsiptherapy students at the National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta who got 100% in the Competency Examination. Herewith is a Copy and Attachment to the



FIKES UPNVJ - Good afternoon to all New Students of the Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta in 2023, please check your account at the following link https://regmaba.upnvj.ac.id/
