FIKES UPNVJ - The 21st Public Health Anniversary International Webinar was held on Saturday, August 31, 2024, at 08.30 WIB via the Zoom Meeting platform. This event aims to increase the understanding and awareness of participants about the importance of health surveillance in protecting the population from health threats caused by emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. This activity was attended by 375 participants consisting of all health students from all universities in Indonesia and abroad, academics and health practitioners as well as all Indonesia and foreign communities covering 5 countries.
This activity was guided by the Master of Ceremony (MC), Fayyaza Aqila, a student of the Public Health Study Program of the Undergraduate Program Class of 2022. This event began with registration and filling out the pretest. Then continued to listen to the songs Indonesia Raya and Mars Bela Negara. Next, it entered the opening, namely the first opening delivered by Aisyah I'timada as the chief executive of the International Webinar, then followed by the second speech delivered by Mrs. Dr. Apriningsih, M.K.M. as the Head of the Department of Public Health, followed by the last remarks, namely Mrs. Ns. Fiora Ladesvita, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.MB. as Vice Dean for Academic Affairs. Then the screening of the UPN Health Science Profile Video "Veteran" Jakarta and the introduction and reading of the moderator's CV.
This event was moderated by Inara Perdana Kurnia, a student of the Public Health Study Program of the Undergraduate Program Class of 2022. Then continued with the introduction and reading of Speaker 1's CV. Then, the presentation of Speaker 1 by Dr. Dicky Budiman, BMed M.Sc.PH PhD. And question and answer and sharing sessions for Speaker 1 and Speaker 2 and then an appreciation session for Speaker 1. This event was continued with the reading of Speaker 2's CV and the presentation of material and Speaker 2's questions and answers. Furthermore, the sharing session of Speaker 2 and Speaker 3 and the appreciation session of Speaker 2 which was continued with a break ishoma. After that, the event continued with the introduction and reading of Speaker 3's CV, then a presentation session of material and Speaker 3's question and answer. Then enter the appreciation session of Speaker 3 and the closing remarks. This event was closed with the closing and filling out the posttest and evaluation. (ANA/RRS)