FIKES UPNVJ - On Thursday, August 15, 2024, the Physiotherapy Introduction Session (Physintrosession) 2024 was held with the theme "Introducing and Exploring the World of Physiotherapy with the Spirit of Adventure" which is a work program of the Undergraduate Physiotherapy Study Program Student Association (HISFO) UPN "Veteran" Jakarta for the 2024/2025 period offline which took place at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Faculty of Health Sciences, Merce Building, 6th floor. The purpose of this activity is to introduce the Undergraduate Physiotherapy Study Program of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta to New Students of 2024 by presenting several speakers who will increase their understanding of the scope of physiotherapy. The number of new students of 2024 who took part in this activity was 68 people.
The event started at 09.35 WIB and ended at 15.30 WIB, hosted by Faiza Syifa Dzakira and Siti Shafira Insan Aulia, Physiotherapy Undergraduate Program students. The event was opened with a video screening of the study program profile and an introduction video of BEM, SEMA, KSM An-Nahl, and KSM Batavia. After that, it was interspersed with group cheers and ice breaking in the form of games. The next event was the welcoming speech of the Physintosession committee chairperson by Azizah Rizky Putria, followed by a welcoming speech by the Chairperson of the Physiotherapy Undergraduate Program by Gibran Ghani, then continued with a welcoming speech by the Head of the Physiotherapy Undergraduate Program Study Program by Mrs. Rabia S.Ft., M.Biomed, and ended with a welcoming speech by the Physiotherapy Undergraduate Program Study Program lecturer by Mr. Agustiyawan SST.FT, M.Fis, Ftr, AIFO.
Then, the next event was the presentation of the first material by the Head of the Undergraduate Physiotherapy Study Program, Mrs. Rabia S.Ft., M.Biomed, the material presented was about the vision and mission of the study program, lecture activities, lecturers, the flow of borrowing rooms, borrowing consumables, and others, ending with a question and answer session. After the first material was finished, new student participants were allowed to rest, pray, and eat. Then continued with the presentation of the second material by outstanding students, namely Mr. Ichlasul Adzani and Ms. Ghyffara Agathi Putri, the material presented was to provide motivation to new students to be more enthusiastic about studying in S1 Physiotherapy, and ended with a demonstration of physiotherapy support equipment, namely tapping. Then the event continued with the third speaker, namely the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Undergraduate Physiotherapy Association, Mr. Gibran Ghani and Ms. Khaira Zahfarina Fatah, the material presented was about the association in general and ended with a question and answer session.
Then, the next event was ice breaking in the form of games guided by the event division and also group cheers. Then, the presentation of the impression message by new students. Then, the host took over the event again and announced the winners of the games session that had been held previously and the announcement of door prizes with various categories such as the best group and the most active individual. The event was closed by the BEM Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta online via the zoom platform. The event was closed with gratitude to all parties who had supported and organized this event as well as the provision of final attendance to all participants who had attended the entire series of events. Overall, the event went well and in accordance with the series of events that had been arranged by the committee. (NRS)