• Languages :
  • indonesian
  • english

Seri Webinar Kesmas Webinar Nasional Kesehatan Lingkungan"Hidup Klasik tanpa Plastik: Mulai Bcrgerak Wujudkan SDGs 12 untuk Reduksi Plastik di Daratan&Lautan;"

  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 84

FIKES UPNVJ - The Public Health Webinar Series has been held: National Environmental Health Webinar UPN "Veteran" Jakarta 2024 online with the Zoom Meeting platform. This event has a theme, namely "Classic Living without Plastic: Starting to Make SDGs 12 a Reality for Reducing Plastic on Land and Ocean". The aim of this activity is to increase the knowledge of participants in the Public Health Webinar Series: National Environmental Health Webinar UPN "Veteran" Jakarta 2024 in an effort to increase awareness and knowledge regarding the importance of reducing the use of plastic to support the achievement of SDGs 12 in reducing plastic waste on land and seas. This event was attended by 720 participants on the Zoom Meeting platform and 55 participants on the YouTube platform.


Public Health Webinar Series Activities: National Environmental Health Webinar UPN "Veteran" Jakarta 2024 held on Sunday, July 14 2024 will be held online with the Zoom Meeting platform. This event was hosted by the Master of Ceremony (MC), namely Danadipa Asmara. The event began with registration and completing the pretest, followed by opening, prayer, reading of the rules and group photos. After that, listen to the songs Indonesia Raya and Mars Bela Negara and play the video profile of Fikes UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. Then, remarks by sister Safrita Nurulina as Chief Executive of the Public Health Webinar Series: UPN "Veteran" Jakarta National Environmental Health Webinar 2024, remarks by Mrs. Dr. Chandrayani Simanjorang, S.K.M., M.Epid. as Coordinator of the Undergraduate Public Health Study Program, speech from Mrs. Dr. Apriningsih, S.K.M., M.K.M. as head of the Public Health department, and Mr. Agustiyawan, SST, FT, M.Fis, AIFO. as Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni and Cooperation, and screening of advertising videos from sponsorships. Then, the next event is the introduction and reading of the moderator's CV, the introduction and reading of the Keynote Speaker's CV and the presentation of material by the Keynote Speaker.


Public Health Webinar Series Event: National Environmental Health Webinar UPN "Veteran" Jakarta 2024 continued with an introduction and reading of speaker 1's CV as well as presentation of material by speaker 1, a question and answer session with speaker 1, as well as a plaque handover session to speaker 1. Then, the event continued with an ice breaking session. After that, we entered the introductory session and reading of the Talkshow moderator's CV,


followed by the reading of speaker 2's CV and a material presentation session by speaker 2, an introduction to speaker 3 which was followed by a material presentation session by speaker 3. The next event was a talk show, question and answer talk show by speaker 2 , Muhammad Rayhan Mahardika as speaker 2 and Annisa Dian Ndari as speaker 3. After that, it continued with the session of handing over plaques to speakers 2 and 3, screening advertising videos from sponsorship and ending with completing the posttest and evaluation. (FAR)
